Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to add disk space into linux VM

In linux console, run 'ls /dev/sd*' and notice how many devices are there

shut the linux vm

Go to VM setting and add a new harddisk of specified size

boot the linux vm

again run 'ls /dev/sd*' and notice a new device (normally first device is called sda, another is sdb, another is sdc and so on )

Create partition using cmd 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdb' ... it will ask for partition... make a single big one.. it's name will be /dev/sdb1  /* n to create new partition, p for primary and w for write */

format the new partition using 'sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1'

Run 'sudo fdisk -l' to see if partition is done properly.

For mounting create a folder first like 'sudo mkdir /ws' (so i created a 'ws' folder under /)
now mount using 'sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /ws'

recheck using 'df -h'

Add this entry '/dev/sdb1 /software ext3 defaults 1 1' to etc/fstab file manually

reboot and see if you can still see your disk  :)

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